Albany- Nguyen Feng-Shui Inspired Custom Kitchen Renovation

Feng Shui is a typical Chinese practice that concentrates on balancing and harmonizing space. For newcomers to the tradition, practiced by Feng Shui is the Chinese management of ensuring that energy or Chi flow is perfect so that the inhabitants can live in peace and tranquillity. Thua, our client, recently inherited a property and brought us a delicate problem: the island in the kitchen had been placed according to Feng Shui principles, but not closely considering that even though the stove and the sink/dishwasher faced each other, it disturbed the balance of Chi. And so was the island reworked to have this modern exhibit of wines that exhibited the family obsession with new wines. This amenity turns tastefully in the lights and becomes functional and arguably a piece of art. A Cambria countertop can complete this remodel by enabling our client to choose a piece that speaks to his refined palate and aesthetic sensibilities.